Friday Food and favorites From the Week
Hello! Hvordan går det? I was planning on giving myself a half day of work but I got a new project that is due Monday so that’s what’s on my plate. (For what’s literally on my plate see below because it’s a food post.) I’ve heard the phrase “Summer Friday” but am not familiar with that – so I thought I’d make up my own
When I was working at a recruiting company (during and after college that was my gig for years) I remember we took Fridays incredibly chill and would have people take turns bringing in breakfast or do potlucks all the time. It was already a very casual office and it got even a lot more casual on Fridays. Seriously – people wore slippers and my friend gotten me a snuggie because I was always cold.
MY most current VIDEOS
Marathon training Day 3
Marathon training video diary – day 3. Running journal check in with Run eat Repeat
Flere videoer
0 seconds of 51 seconds
4 minute lower Body workout for Runners
And I just got way off track! Ha! The point is, it’s Friday. ha en fin helg.
And now here are the things I’m eating…
Friday Food Blog
Breakfast: Eggs, toast – half with butter half with AB.
Lunch: The bigger the better
Snacks: Quest bars.
Cherries. I am absurd and eat the whole bag and then go to the store for more.
Treats: chocolate errday.
Dinner: I don’t know if this is incredibly tragic to admit, but I’m kinda in love with frozen meals again. I think I’ve quit cooking for the summer.
(source: NatalieDee)
Other: I am on a mission to create overnight steel cut oats! I’m inspired by Chobani’s new Greek Yogurt with oats. but steel cut oats take a lot longer to cook than regular oats. So, just soaking them overnight isn’t working. I think my most current attempt came out great though!
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