Champion Shape Wear Giveaway


Happy Humpay! Jeg har en morsom gave for å få oss ut av nedgangen i midten av uken! Forrige måned jobbet jeg med Champion for å teste ut samt evaluering av den nye linjen med

Summer favorites


Hello! There is about one month of summertime left! as well as I’ve been having a blast so far. har du? Before my summertime should haves listing – I wished to share this lil Under

(Jeg skal spise) 365 jordbær


Hei fra Ventura, California !!! Mine nyeste videoer Maraton treningsdag 1 Flere videoer 0 sekunder på 3 minutter, 12 sekunder Neste Reis Jane Review 08:01 Bo 00:00 08:21 03:12 La meg først dele de verdslige

Disney world Marathon training Week 1


Dopey challenge training Week 1 Well… when I decided to register to run the Dopey challenge last week I was mostly surprised that it wasn’t sold out (yet) and my decision to go for it

Friday Food and favorites From the Week


Hello! Hvordan går det? I was planning on giving myself a half day of work but I got a new project that is due Monday so that’s what’s on my plate. (For what’s literally on

Konferanse i Italia i november


Det er alltid en glede og en overraskelse å bli invitert i Italia for å snakke på en konferanse. Jeg dro til Italia mange år siden for å forfølge en yrke i sportsvitenskap og forskning

Check if there’s a race in town


Last night our flight to San Francisco was delayed 2 hours. Boo. But, it provided us time to check out the new Southwest wing of the John Wayne flight terminal (in Orange County). They have

Should You Take Collagen–Benefits of Collagen for fitness Podcast 98


Audio Player 00:00 00:00 00:00 Podcast: Play in new window | nedlasting Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Stitcher | RSS Today I’m talking with registered Dietitian  Lindsey Janeiro all about collagen. Collagen powder

I Fell…Again


I always say that I fall about three times a year. I was very nervous I was going to fall at my wedding and fortunately I didn’t. But, I did fall today. Hard. (This is